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当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > Crosslinkers > 活性Bio/innuSCRIPT一步法RT-PCR SyGreen试剂盒–;100个反应/innuSCRIPT一步法RT-PCR SyGreen试剂盒–;100个反应/ANL845-RT-6000100
商品详细活性Bio/innuSCRIPT一步法RT-PCR SyGreen试剂盒–;100个反应/innuSCRIPT一步法RT-PCR SyGreen试剂盒–;100个反应/ANL845-RT-6000100
活性Bio/innuSCRIPT一步法RT-PCR SyGreen试剂盒–;100个反应/innuSCRIPT一步法RT-PCR SyGreen试剂盒–;100个反应/ANL845-RT-6000100
活性Bio/innuSCRIPT一步法RT-PCR SyGreen试剂盒–;100个反应/innuSCRIPT一步法RT-PCR SyGreen试剂盒–;100个反应/ANL845-RT-6000100
商品编号: ANL845-RT-6000100
品牌: bio-active
市场价: ¥0.00
美元价: 0.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 蛋白交联剂
公司分类: Crosslinkers
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com

Product Details– Reverse transcription and real-time PCR in a single step– Real-time PCR using an intercalating dye– Simple, well-established handling and superior reproducibilityƒƒ– Compatible with most real-time PCR thermocyclers– Highly specific, efficient reverse transcription and subsequent real-time amplification

The innuSCRIPT One Step RT-PCR SyGreen Kit was developed for fast, highly reproducible reverse transcription and subsequent real-time PCR and has been validated on the most common real-time PCR instruments. The innuSCRIPT One Step RT-PCR SyGreen Kit includes a dye that intercalates with double-stranded DNA without inhibiting the PCR reaction as many traditional PCR fluorescent dyes do. The 2x concentrated master mix also contains a thermostable reverse transcriptase (50° C to 55° C) and an effective RNase inhibitor. The composition of the innuSCRIPT One Step RT-PCR SyGreen Kit has been optimized to yield an excellent slope at optimum PCR efficiency. Users now only need to add the RNA template and primers to the reaction, followed by enough water (suitable for real-time PCR) to produce the final volume.

The concentration of MgCl2 in the master mix is already ideal, eliminating the need to add any more.

SpecificationsConcentration2x master mix

自1996 年成立以来,年复一年,Bio-Active Co., Ltd.成功地持续增长。基于密集的企业愿景“我们是您的帮助”,我们能够为当今和未来的生命科学,诊断,分析和工业领域建立全国最大的产品范围。